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Showing posts with the label programming

The Role Of Data Structure And Algorithms In Programming

Most Computer Science students and working professionals tend to skip learning DSA, especially in India, because they find it quite complicated and also because they do not understand the benefits of it fully. What they fail to understand is that DSA has profound uses in various walks of life and not just in making an application more efficient. Popular programming competitions like IOI (International Olympiad in Informatics) and ICPC (International Collegiate Programming Contest) have not had many winners from India due to various reasons. For instance, it is common knowledge that Indian students are not exposed to core programming skills or the concepts of DSA during their high schools. They are forced to prepare for competitive exams instead.  This means when these students represent India in IOI or ICPC they are put against participants from other countries who have nearly 4-5 years more programming and DSA experience than their Indian counterparts. Reasons to learn DSA Many ...

How To Think Like a Programmer?

Programming….is it really hard? is it really scary? is it really not everyone’s cup of tea? You might be asking several questions to yourself before stepping into the programming world. You might be also getting scared when you listen to a lot of jargon words which programmers exchange with each other to communicate about software. Every beginner who enters programming faces the same problem… difficulty while solving the coding question, difficulty in getting the logic of the code…difficulty in approaching a problem, and getting the solution . When other programmers are good at solving the questions, good at implementing the logic of complex software, and good at building the features of any software most of the beginners start doubting their abilities. In most cases when beginners start getting frustrated, either they give up on programming or they try to find the solution of a single question “ How to think like a programmer and solve coding question quickly? “. You might ...

VS Code, Installation and Complete Setup

Let`s Install VS Code: Which is the best source code editor available right now? Without no doubt, we can say that it’s Visual Studio code or simply VS code. VS code is an open-source code editor developed by Microsoft. It has built-in support for C++, JavaScript, Node.js and almost all programing language-based plugins are available in VS studio right now.Let`s install the stable version of VS code on our Windows system: Steps: VS code setup file can be downloaded from the official website. Link is given- . After opening the website, click on the Download for Windows button.This will download the VS code Setup Wizard on our system as an EXE file. So, the VS code Setup Wizard is downloaded successfully, and we need to run it. 1. Click on the setup file, a preview has been shown: -                  2. Agree to the License ...

Programming Apps For Beginners

ARE YOU A PROGRAMMER OF BEGINNER LEVEL?? Having difficulty with programming or learning new technicla skills. THESE ANDROID APPS ARE FOR YOU… I , as a programmer , would like to suggest you these Apps which help you bring up your programming skills at a whole new level. 1.SoloLearn: Learn to code for Free This not just an Android app , but a large scale platform for enhancing your programming skills. Features *Take lessons of programming languages like C++, C#, Java, CSS, Python 3, JavaScript, PHP, HTML Fundamentals, SQL Fundamentals, jQuery, Ruby and Swift* *Challenge others and take challenges of your known languages to know how much you know.* Get certificates for completion of course. *Badges for your skills.* *Practice questions within the lessons.* Add and verify others’ questions for challenges. *Online Compiler for all languages* *Save progress and sync across devices* Much more. 2.Programming Hub, Learn to code This app has more lan...