ARE YOU A PROGRAMMER OF BEGINNER LEVEL?? Having difficulty with programming or learning new technicla skills. THESE ANDROID APPS ARE FOR YOU… I , as a programmer , would like to suggest you these Apps which help you bring up your programming skills at a whole new level. 1.SoloLearn: Learn to code for Free This not just an Android app , but a large scale platform for enhancing your programming skills. Features *Take lessons of programming languages like C++, C#, Java, CSS, Python 3, JavaScript, PHP, HTML Fundamentals, SQL Fundamentals, jQuery, Ruby and Swift* *Challenge others and take challenges of your known languages to know how much you know.* Get certificates for completion of course. *Badges for your skills.* *Practice questions within the lessons.* Add and verify others’ questions for challenges. *Online Compiler for all languages* *Save progress and sync across devices* Much more. 2.Programming Hub, Learn to code This app has more lan...
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